International Union of Pure and Applied Physics


Working Group on International Cooperation in Nuclear Physics (ICNP)


At its 2003 Annual General Meeting, Commission C12 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) made a formal decision to establish an ad-hoc Committee on International Cooperation in Nuclear Physics (CICNP). The membership of CICNP was optimized, by inclusion of the Chair of C12, as well as the Chairs of NSAC and NuPECC and representatives of key laboratories world-wide. Considerable care was also paid to the geographic distribution of members, in order to ensure appropriate representation from the whole nuclear physics community.

You can find the link to the official IUPAP WG9 pages here.

The latest version of the IUPAP Report 41 "A Worldwide Perspective of Research And Research Facilities in Nuclear Physics by the IUPAP Working Group 9 " can be found here.